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You'll recognize the Presenter ... it's Joe Popp ... I use him a lot because he's great at what he does.


The presentation style, however, may be new to you.  For Marqeta, a payments company in the FinCom market sector,  we created an interactive presentation that opened by offering 6-7 of the attendees' top-of-mind concerns.  The audience then voted on the top three they would like to hear more about, after which Joe did a deeper dive into each.

This was a great way to make every presentation different, control the overall length, and ultimately give the audience ownership of the information they were receiving and ensure that it was relevant. 

General Mills


On a previous page, you saw the video that attendees encountered on the General Mills microsite.


This is an oveview video of the entire onsite "Get The Whole Story" Art Project.


This program engaged thousands of attendees, immersing them in the General Mills brand and solution story.


Also, if you recall, this program was based on a Cause Marketing approach, and attendees generated $25,000 to support the creation of "Kids Eat Right" guides.



Sprint, llike any other telecom, has many different divisions, serving many different vertical markets.


I have been lucky enough to be the chief content & tradeshow producer for Sprint for several years, servicing the Public Safety sector, including Police, Federal Government, Fire, and Security.


This video is one example of a compact, yet very effective, method for engaging attendees at an event.  

Public Safety professionals are very no-nonsense individuals (big surprise, right?), so this type of fast, easy-to-digest, and straight-to-the point program provides them with the Big 3; Who are you, what do you do, what can you do for me?

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